What is the Nutrishake?
Nutrishake is a nutritional powder mix to shake with water, which supports healthy weight loss while keeping you feeling full and fully nourished. It is a healthy, balanced and convenient alternative to meals and snacks to take at home, work or on the go. It provides the body with important nutrients such as protein and omega 3 while being high in fiber and low glycemic and caloric.
Taking it as a part of healthy breakfast and in between meals will satiate you and prevent you from consuming too many calories. In this way, it can help you with your weight-loss objectives. If you wish to maintain your weight but be healthier and/or more energized, you can use the Nutrishake as a snack between meals. This will help keep your blood sugar level even, allowing you to be focused at work and energetic enough to exercise afterwards.Why should I use the Nutrishake?
Originally developed to sustain patients waiting to be organ-transplanted, it is formulated to contain all the essential macronutrients humans need. It has a high protein content with a complete amino acid profile, a perfect balance, a low-glycemic source of carbohydrates and plenty of fibre. Nutritionally balanced, all-natural and low-calorie, the Nutrishake is unique as a meal or snack. As well as helping you feel full, it will provide you with energy and essential nutrients so that you don’t feel deprived of anything vital if you are trying to lose weight. One serving is approximately 67kcal.
Because the nutritional ingredients are natural and whole (which means not synthetic or hydrolyzed into amino acids) it is possible to continue to use the Nutrishake for as long as you want. The scientists behind the formulation take it every day even though they are not trying to lose weight. It is a perfect solution if you feel hungry, tired or unfocused during the working day or before a session at the gym. Because the Nutrishake is easily digested and satisfying, it is also a healthier, low calorie option than most evening snacks.What are the benefits of taking Nutrishake?
Naturishake is the ideal support for a healthy weight loss and provides the body with satisfying nutrients. Hunger and sugar cravings are reduced due to the low glycemic formula and this improves energy levels and concentration.Will the Nutrishake help me lose weight?
Studies have shown significant weight loss in subjects using the Nutrishake in conjunction with advice on diet and exercise. The Nutrishake aids weight loss in many ways and one important factor is that insulin levels tend to decrease in regular users of the shake. Insulin is an anabolic hormone (promotes weight gain) which is elevated in overweight people and their levels tend to normalize as a result of using the Nutrishake and ingesting meals more regularly. This is the suspected mechanism of the facilitated weight loss. Users also report feeling full after taking the Nutrishake which helps reduce portion sizes and calories during main meals. To use the Nutrishake for weight management or weight loss, we recommend that the Nutrishake is used in the following two ways:
1) Have a Nutrishake as a part of healthy breakfast
2) Have it as a snack or whenever you experience a sugar craving instead of something lessCan I use the Nutrishake when I am pregnant or lactating?
Women who are pregnant should consult their doctor before taking NutrishakeWhat does the Nutrishake consist of?
The Nutrishake consists of carefully selected ingredients: peas, soy, whey protein (from milk), apple, rosehip and fibres from sugar beet. All these are natural whole food ingredients put together to form an optimal balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are no trans-fats or other unhealthy fatty acids in the formulation. The carbohydrates in the Nutrishake come from apple and rosehip which provide a slow absorption and hence a controlled blood sugar response. Rosehips and apple are naturally rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C which is an important antioxidant. The Nutrishake contains both soluble and non-soluble fibres known for their role in cardiovascular health and bowel function. The pink colour comes from beets, the yellow colour in mango-banana comes from turmeric powder and the sweetness from noncalorific sucralose.Are there any clinical studies on Nutrishake?
Since the year 2000 there have been several clinical studies conducted by the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University Hospital of Lund, Sweden. Besides evaluating the GI and insulin response of the product, various positive effects have also been observed and documented. Among them is weight loss, and because of this, improved serum lipid profile and lowered blood sugar- and pressure levels. Furthermore, when tested on school pupils, an increased ability to concentrate was observed in the Eslöv School Study. The two-year weight loss study carried out at Igelosa indicated significant weight loss and improved well-being. The average weight loss after 24 months was 13.6 kg.Is Nutrishake suitable for those allergic to eggs?
The Nutrishake doesnot contain any eggs. Therefore it is suitable for persons allergic to eggs.I have food intolerances / allergies. Can I use the Nutrishake?
If you are allergic to any of its ingredients, you should avoid using the product. The product is free from milk protein and eggs - very common allergens. It is also free from gluten and lactose. However, it does contain soy.Is a Nutrishake suitable for those who are allergic to milk?
There is a minimal amount of lactose (about 1% per ready mixed shake, low lactose) in the Nutrishake, and our experience have shown that most people with milk intolerance can take it without getting problems. The most common reason for milk intolerance is that the people cannot break down the lactose (milk sugar) in milk. Consult your doctor or physician for recommendations.Does Nutrishake affect the blood pressure?
No, the Nutrishake will not affect blood pressure.Are the strawberry and vanilla flavor in our Wellness products artificial?
NO, we are using only natural flavours. The sweetener is artificial, though is sucralose.Is Nutrishake suitable for those who have diabetes? What is the sugar content?
The Nutrishake can be taken by diabetics. It has no added sugar and is low GI. The carbohydrate content per serving is 6 grams out of which 4.5 grams are simple sugars. If you take insulin or oral medication, you may need to monitor your blood sugar levels and adjust your medication’s dose according to the low carbohydrate and low glycemic index levels of this product, especially if you lose weight. Always consult your doctor before considering adjusting any medication.Does the Nutrishake contain any added sugar?
The Nutrishake does not contain any added sugar, there’s only sugars and carbohydrates from the natural ingredients. To enhance the taste but maintain a low glycemic index, the sweetener Sucralose is used in very small quantities.Does Nutrishake contain a sweetener?
The Nutrishake contains sucralose; a sweetener approved by the EU, in order to create a positive taste sensation of the powder while keeping sugar and calorie levels down. Sucralose does not provoke the same magnitude of insulin response as other sweeteners on the market approved by the EU. Sucralose originates from natural sugar, but is approximately 600 times sweeter. This is why such a minute amount is used (approximately 0.9% of the shake).
Sucralose has been evaluated by the European Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) 1987, 1988, 1989 and 2000 and they have established an ADI-value (Acceptable Daily Intake) of 0-15 mg/kg body weight per day. For a person who weighs 70kg this translates to a consumption of as much sucralose as is found in 8 portions of Nutrishake per day.What is "glycemic index" (GI) and the GI of the Nutrishake?
Glycemic Index is a value given to carbohydrate-rich foods based on their effect on blood sugar. Foods whose carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the blood stream (for example sugary drinks) are high in GI and require the pancreas to produce insulin quickly. Foods that contain little or slowly absorbed carbohydrates (for example vegetables and whole grain bread) have low GI’s because it takes the body longer to digest and absorb the carbohydrates, and the pancreas can work slower. Foods with a GI below 55 are considered to have a low GI. Originally the GI-method was developed in order to select the best foods suitable for diabetics. Low GI foods result in more stable blood sugar and insulin levels. This health aspect is beneficial not only for diabetics, but for everyone. The Nutrishake has a low GI.What does glycemic index indicate?
GI indicates the effect of blood sugar that is released into the blood due to the intake of certain foods. The index theoretically rages from 0% to 100% where 100% is defined as the blood sugar response of 50g pure glucose (sugar) mixed in water. Food with GI below 55 is considered to have a low GI.What is glycemic index used for?
Originally the GI-method was developed in order to select the best foods suitable for diabetic patients. Foods with a low GI are absorbed through the small intestine and converted to blood sugar at a much slower rate than high GI foods, resulting in a more stable blood sugar level and much less insulin being produced.What is the GI of Nutrishake?
Glycemic index of Nutrishake tested at the University of Sidney is 28. Low Glycemic Index foods are foods with a GI less than 55.Will the Nutrishake help me loose weight?
Studies have shown significant weight loss in many cases where testers have taken Nutrishake on a regular basis. The reasons for this vary, but one important factor is that the insulin levels, which are often constantly high amongst overweight people, decreases as an effect of the stable blood sugar levels. This can take some weeks after which the body starts to lose weight. However, weight loss should always be considered as a secondary effect of providing the body with optimally balanced nutrition.
When using Nutrishake for weight management it is recommended to take 1 shake half an hour before each main meal or whenever you have sugar cravings. Results can be enhanced by drinking a shake before other daily meals.Does Nutrishake affect the appetite?
General observation and subjective reporting indicate that appetite can be curbed by taking the Nutrishake about 30 minutes before a meal. Also, stabilization of blood sugar levels can help stop cravings, so taking the Nutrishake between meals can also help curb hunger and appetite.Can I drink Nutrishake and use it as a meal replacement for lunch and dinner to lose weight after lactating period?
No, we do not recommend this since the Nutrishake is not designed as a meal replacement. It is better to take the shake about half an hour before each main meal and as a snack when needed, thus stabilizing your blood sugar levels and enabling you eat less and more slowly. In combination with regular exercise, this will give you a good platform to get regain your pre pregnancy weight.When I take the Nutrishake as supplement, do I still need other vitamins and minerals?
The Nutrishake is not a vitamin or mineral supplement; it is a unique formulation with ordinary food. If your total intake of food contains 0.5 - 1 kg of fresh and organic vegetables and fruit, then you do not need any supplements of vitamins and minerals. However, if you are not eating such a healthy and varied diet, then it may be a good idea to complement your nutrition with a multivitamin pill. In the USA, Harvard Professor Willett has pointed out that most people get too little of vitamin D, B6, B12 and folate in their diets. He is one of many health professionals who advocate taking a daily multivitamin/mineral pill as an insurance against deficiencies.How does Nutrishake give energy in spite of having such a low energy/carbohydrate content?
When you drink Nutrishake, you get the protein and fats you need, but few calories from carbohydrates. A hormone called glucagon, which mobilizes the sugar stored in the liver, is then released from the pancreas so that your body still gets what it needs.
The next time you eat more calories from carbohydrates, they are absorbed into the blood as glucose, a lot of this glucose will restore the storage of glucose in the liver, and this is what is called a ‘second meal effect’: in spite of eating a lot of carbohydrates, even with a high glycemic index, the blood sugar response will be low.If I am very active in sports or training, how should i take Nutrishake? If I need more protein can I mix it with regular protein support?
Nutrishake can be taken both before and after training, but after training it should be complemented with some carbohydrates. Yes, it works very well mixing Nutrishake with a protein support.Is it possible to use Nutrishake to build up my muscles?
Yes. In fact Nutrishake contains optimal nutrition, including three different and potent natural proteins. You should take a shake both before and after the workout which will give your body additional fuel for energy during the workout and also help to build muscle and aid recovery afterwards. It is also extremely important to continue eating healthy meals throughout the day.Is it safe to take the Nutrishake over long period of time?
The Nutrishake can be taken as a complement to food for as long as you wish.From what age can one take the Nutrishake?
There is no restriction on children consuming this product. The soup can safely be given to children. Decrease the portion size if needed.Can I mix Nutrishake with other fluids than water?
Yes, you can mix the shake with all cold fluids like milk, soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, juice, yoghurt etc. - according to your energy needs and taste preferences - but remember that the energy content (calories) and glycemic index may increase if you mix with fluids other than water.Can I pre-mix the Nutrishake and bring it with me for later use?
We recommend that you use the single servings for this purpose or that you carry the powder in the shaker/an empty bottle and add water when you wish to drink it. But yes, you can mix it and then carry it with you or refrigerate it during the day, just remember to shake it before drinking since it starts to separate after 10 minutes. We recommend that you throw out shakes that are more than 24 hours old, especially if it has been standing in room temperature.Can I pre-mix the Nutrishake and bring it with me for later use?
Yes, but not for more than one day and you should keep it cool and shake the bottle before serving.*If possible we highly recommend that you bring the powder and water separately and mix it when ready to be consumed, either with a shaker or, if you are on the go, directly into a partly empty bottle of water and simply shake.How much do I need?
A number of countries (Canada, Sweden, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan) as well as the World Health Organization have made formal dietary recommendations for omega-3 fatty acids. Typical recommendations are 0.3 to 0.5 g/day of EPA + DHA.
The amount found in the 2 capsules (1g fish oil) in the Wellness Pack is approximately 0.3 g of total EPA + DHA. This is a perfectly balanced amount for a daily supplement to complement the normal food intake.What does Omega 3 do?
- Supports functions of the brain, eye and nervous system. Deficiency can result in depression, different types of dementia, macular degeneration, learning deficits and ADHD in children
- Reduces triglycerides, bad cholesterol, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and blood pressure - all risk factors for cardiovascular disease
- Decreases inflammation in general and can be of particular use in any dermal, musculo-skeletal or internal inflammatory conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis or IBS
Why is it important to take Omega 3 supplements?
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, meaning that they cannot be produced by our body and therefore must be obtained from the diet. Most people do not consume enough omega-3 rich foods to reach the recommended intake, and would therefore benefit from supplementation.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a part of all membranes in the body, including the skin’s. For the skin, this means keeping it moist and strong. Its positive effects on skin elasticity are well-documented.Fish contain toxic pollutants. What is the case for the Wellness Omega 3 oil?
Heavy metals found in fish bind to protein, and therefore it is more toxic to consume the flesh of the fish than it is to consume the purified oil. Our fish oil is derived from small fish from the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, it is purified during the manufacturing process, properly protected against oxidation, has undergone molecular distillation and is of a pharmaceutical caliber. From a toxicology standpoint it is therefore much safer to take omega 3 supplements than to eat fatty fish.Can people with fish allergy use Wellness by oriflame Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement?
Fish allergies are caused by your body’s reaction to fish protein. Even though our oil only contains trace amounts of protein, this can be enough to trigger an allergic reaction if your allergy is severe. Therefore it is not advisable to use fish oil supplements.Can I give the Omega 3 supplement to children?
Provided that they are old enough to swallow the capsule, yes you can.Why do the Omega 3 capsules consist of fish oil and not of vegetable oil?
Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in both oils. Fish oils have the longer omega 3 fatty acids called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) while vegetable oils contain the shorter fatty acids called ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Our bodies convert ALA to the longer chains depending upon availability, ability and need. EPA and DHA fatty acids have documented health benefits for the nervous and cardiovascular system as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Because the longer chains are responsible for the positive health effects, we have chosen omega 3 from fish instead of vegetarian sources.I am pregnant and heard that Omega 3 is good for my baby. Is this true?
It is true. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA is important in development and function of the baby’s nervous system - the brain and the eyes - especially in the last three months of pregnancy and the first six months of the child’s life. The only way of providing babies with these essential fatty acids is through the mother. It is a good principle to consult your doctor before starting any supplemental regime if you are pregnant.
Wellness by Oriflame
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Do you want to know more about Nutrishake and Omega3?
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Whether nutrishake and omega 3 can both be taken by a breastfeeding mother?
ReplyDeleteYes Rithu. I am a authorised Oriflame consultant. Contact me at 6381135387.i can guide you with all the informations.
DeleteBy baby is 10 months old and I have taken nutrishake n omega 3 both but my is doing loose motion so i stop it
DeleteWhether nutrishake and omega 3 can both be taken by a breastfeeding mother?
DeleteI'm 67 yrs old lady.my weight is 68 kg. Can I take Nutrishake? I can not digest more protine.
ReplyDeleteYes mam you can
DeleteYes mam. You can take it for ur protein needs. I am a authorized oriflame consultant. Contact me at 6381135387.I can guide you with all information.
DeleteCan we take it with milk and what to add in it if yes
ReplyDeleteYes you can take it with Milk. Mix a scoop of nutrishake with 150 ml cold or normal milk and you can have it.
DeleteIAM 26 years old
ReplyDeleteMy weight is 38
By taking nutrishake can I loss my weight
Do you wish to disappear?
DeleteI am having thyroid is it helpful for me for weight loss?
ReplyDeleteYes Anusha. It helps in weight loss for those who have thyroid, PCOS, PCOD. I am a oriflame consultant. You can contact me at 638113538.I can provide you with full details and how to take it for weight loss.
DeleteMy contact number is 6381135387. Contact me in this number
DeleteHow to take nutrishake ans omega 3 tablet.kindly guide
ReplyDeleteHi Swati. I am an authorised oriflame consultant. You can contact me at 6381135387. I will guide you how to take nutrishake and omega 3
DeleteI m 33 years old unmarried & PCOD patient too .In such case can I go for nutrishake?
ReplyDeleteYes mam , you go with nutrishake..I am certified consultant from Oriflame you can contact me on 9953366672
ReplyDeleteHi this product is really helpful for weight loss as I want to reduce my 25 kg
ReplyDeleteYes it is really useful for reducing weight in healthy way. For buying the product you can contact me @ 6381135387. You can get the product in huge discount as I am an authorized consultant of oriflame.
DeletePlease share some details
DeleteHello everyone!Those who wants to buy nutrishake and omega 3 can WhatsApp me @ 6381135387.I am an authorised Oriflame consultant. You can get the product in huge discount.
ReplyDeleteI am very slim.i have to be fat,do omega3 or Nutrishake help me???? Plz reply
ReplyDeleteCan it gain weight
DeleteWhat the price of nutrishake and Omega capsule
ReplyDeleteContact me for more information 9836159140
DeleteI am diabetic n hv thyroid....my wright is 94 and height 5.5.can i hv nutrishake n fish oil capsule.how ?
ReplyDeleteContact me for more information 9836159140
Deletecontact me for further details 8087010974
DeleteI want to reduce my wright
ReplyDeleteto loose weight is it mandatory to take both combination of the shake and the omega 3 capsule or only shake is sufficient
ReplyDeleteIs neutrishake helpful for gastric?
ReplyDeleteyes v helpful, you can contact me for further details 8087010974
DeleteI am using this but I have one quiry is this product is safe.
ReplyDeleteis this product May cause any side effects
ReplyDeletemy cousin is 125 kg. i got oriflame wellness product for him(shake 500 gm plus omega 3 tablets). how should he take it. how much scoop and when? when to take omege 3 tablet? please please guide!!!
ReplyDeleteHi.. I guide u but the process can't tell here please whts app and call me at 8802475104 If you are Indian.
DeleteI am 38 year old , Male , i have the body weight only 56 kg. Looking thin and less muscle , so can i use oriflame Neutrishake protein powder for weight gain? Please answer me as early as best.
ReplyDeleteYes u can take for weight gain contact me for more details 8802475104.Indian only
Deletecan i take this powder with milk?
ReplyDeleteYes u can If u want to gain your weight. contact me for more details 8802475104.Only Indians
DeleteYes you can
ReplyDeleteHowmany days we should take this nutrishake for complete weightloss
ReplyDeleteIt depends how much you have to reduce. If u want more details contact me subashini.ram1234@gmail.com
DeleteHow can we use nutrishake
ReplyDeleteMix powder 2 spoon with water 250ml and drink twice a day. If u want more details contact me subashini.ram1234@gmail.com
DeleteMy 👶 S6 weight has not at all reduced
ReplyDeleteMy weight has not at all reduced
ReplyDeleteEven mine
ReplyDeleteWill anyone tell me how to consume nutrishake & omega 3 for weight loss?
ReplyDeletePls sir contact me for more information 9836159140
Delete2 scoops of nutrishake with 250 ml water,preferably to be taken in the morning time as rate of metabolism is high and it gets easily absorbed in our body and in the evening also for better results
Delete8087010974,for further information you can contact me
DeleteIs this helpful for weight gain ? How to use
ReplyDeleteContact me mam 9836159140
DeleteNo mam
ReplyDeleteYou contact me for more information
I am a patient with nephrotic syndrome. Can i able to take nutrishake ?
ReplyDeleteWhich is best product for waight loss herbalife or wellness
ReplyDeletewellness is more better. contact me for more details 8802475104.Only Indians
Deleteu r saying that Nutrishake can be used for weight loss then how it is used to gain weight....one product cannot be used for different problems right...
ReplyDeleteThat is possible because of this not medicine. It is Nutrition package and we make changes in diet plan with this package for people needs. contact me for more details 8802475104.Only Indians
DeleteAfter consuming both for weigh loss, is it possible to bounce back weight gain ?
ReplyDeleteNot possible to bounce back I explain you contact me for more details 8802475104.Only Indians
Deletehow to use it to gain weight...
ReplyDeletecontact me for more details 8802475104.Only Indians
Deletemeri age 29 h or wieght 75 hight 5'2 h muje apna wieght mininum 30 kg kam krna h to muje shake or omega 3 kitni quantity me lena cahiye or kya koi diet plan b lena hoga ap plz muje suggest kare
ReplyDeleteKindly msg me 7845848535 I'm authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteIf someone had piles then she can take nutrishake or not?
ReplyDeleteHi I'm latha I can help you pls msg me 7845848535 I'm authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteI m having pcos , i want to loose weight , i have orderd oriflame nutrishake, so my question is does only shake is sufficient for weight loose? Or omega 3 is compulsary!
ReplyDeleteHi I'm latha I can help you pls msg me 7845848535 I'm authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteHi!is it safe using omega 3 capsules n Shake when you are planning for kids?
ReplyDeleteHi I'm latha pls msg me 7845848535 I'm authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteHi!!is it safe using omega 3 capsules n Shake when you are planning for kids?I have thyroid n should reduce weight to conceive.
ReplyDeleteHi I'm latha pls msg me 7845848535 I can help u I'm an authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteHi iam 19 years old and i want to lose wheight i 68kg can i use only the nutrishake to lose wheight?will it make me to gain wheight when trying to lose it?
ReplyDeleteDoes it have any side effects
DeleteHi I'm latha msg me I can help you 7845848535 I'm an authorised oriflame consultant
DeleteHii iam 28 years old and i want to loose 10kgs weight actually i have pcod problem.also doctor suggest metaform tablet after breakfast can i use this nutrishake and omega tablets along with metaform or not please send reply as early as possible
ReplyDeleteKindly msg me 7845848535 I'm authorised oriflame consultant
ReplyDeleteHello.. I have bought the package of 3 nutrishake flavours but don't know how to use it. I want to reduce my weight. Shall I take also Omega 3 capsules? How can I use both for losing weight? Thanks
ReplyDeleteHow to use the shake can u please tell???
ReplyDeleteI m feeding mother I can use nutrishake n omega 3
ReplyDeleteHello, I have a 4.5 months child.. is it safe to consume the shake and the tea?
ReplyDeleteCan you give any guidance on how to use nutrishake for weight loss. When to take the shake.. to get results fast.