Weight & Health Management
Reach your dream weight with Nutri range!Losing weight starts with changing your lifestyle and eating a balanced diet alongside the Nutrishake. By following the Wellness Roadmap and by following the advice on the right foods to eat, the Nutri range helps to beat the urge to snack, making weight loss easier. The Nutrishake is low-glycemic which means that it lowers insulin levels which in turn helps weight loss. It also balances blood sugar which reduces food cravings whilst providing optimum nourishment at the same time.
There are two purposes for taking the Nutrishake and their unique composition serves both uses: Weight loss and Health.
1. Weight loss
Many users start taking the Nutrishake for weight-loss purposes and continue to take it for weight maintenance. The Nutrishake:
- Provide optimal nourishment and minimal calories.
- Are a low-glycemic snack that helps stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels.
- Having balanced blood sugar levels decreases sugar cravings, appetite and thoughts about food.
2. Health
- Drinking the Nutrishake between meals keeps you physically and mentally acute and energized throughout the day.
- You will feel full and energetic enough to exercise straight after work.
- They help stave off sugar cravings.
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